Comparison of flocculants in the treatment of domestic wastewater

Keywords: sedimentation, anionic, flocculant, domestic, wastewater, flor, formation, water


The performance of anionic and cationic flocculants was evaluated in the presence of coagulants, to use them in wastewater treatment. The anionic flocculant AN934 was used and at the same time the concentration of FeCl3, which acts as a coagulant, was fixed. The use of a cationic flocculant with the commercial name Fluxol C650, which belongs to the polyacrylamide family, was also studied: turbidity, pH, color, and suspended solids were measured to reduce them using the jar test methodology. Both flocculants work in a wide pH range, reduce the use of inorganic salts, have high water solubility and very good sedimentation velocity. The flocs formed with AN934 are coarse as opposed to the flocs formed using Fluxol C650.


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How to Cite
Carrillo-Cedillo, E. G., & Zavala-Flores, E. (2023). Comparison of flocculants in the treatment of domestic wastewater. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(Especial), 116-120.