Geology of Cerro del Lobo, Pachuca, Hidalgo, México

Keywords: Cerro el Lobo, Pachuca-Real del Monte Mining District, Felsic intrusive, Cartography


Cerro el Lobo, historically known as Cerro de Santiago, within the Pachuca-Real del Monte Mining District (DMPRM), is an area of particular interest, where the oldest volcanic rocks in the stratigraphic sequence defined so far, crop out. The aim of this work is to document the geology of Cerro del Lobo, by means of geological and structural cartography (scale 1:1000). In the study area occur intermediate rocks corresponding to the Santiago, Corteza, and Pachuca formations, showing weak and intermittent episodes of pyroclastic deposits. Additionally, were identified, felsic intrusive bodies and presumable mineralization, (this occur, as veins, vein-breccias and veinlets) compossed of quartz, quartz-manganese oxides, striking preferentially EastWest and Northwest-Southeast; related to a zone of intense hypogenic argillic alteration. Given the scarce information currently available, this work is significant contribution that will shed light on the geology of the Sierra de Pachuca


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How to Cite
Mondragon-Mondragon, O., & Escamilla-Casas, J. C. (2024). Geology of Cerro del Lobo, Pachuca, Hidalgo, México. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(22), 69-80.

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