Analysis of an adaptive cruise control under low visibility conditions

Keywords: Reference model, Adaptive cruise control, computer vision, robotic vehicle


This work presents the analysis of an adaptive cruise control system for robotic vehicles. The proposed adaptive cruise control system assists in preventing rear-end collisions in low-visibility scenarios. Collision avoidance is achieved through speed adjustment, which is dependent on the distance from the vehicle in front of the robotic vehicle. It is implemented using computer vision, adaptive control, embedded systems, and computer-aided design. The functionality of the proposed system is analyzed through tests on terrains with varying inclinations, as well as in controlled scenarios with good visibility and poor visibility. Lack of visibility is a critical scenario in this work because, in case of limited visibility in the environment, the computer vision system will stop detecting vehicles. Then, LiDAR and radar sensors will measure the distance and speed of the vehicle ahead, and based on this data, reduce or maintain the vehicle's speed.


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How to Cite
Bañuelos-Peña, G. A., Coronado-Andrade, A. C., Velázquez-Velázquez , J. E., Rivera-Fernández, J. D., & Fabila-Bustos, D. A. (2023). Analysis of an adaptive cruise control under low visibility conditions. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(Especial4), 67-79.