Anti-desertification: sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) as integral management in the regulation and control of rainwater

Keywords: SUDS, WWTP, Sustainability, Urban


Poor water management is a problem that plagues the State of Hidalgo, causing shortages in various areas. It is known that of the 158 WWTP (Wastewater Treatment Plants) that exist in the state, only 85 of them are operating, according to the Institutional Development Program of the State Water and Sewerage Commission (PID 2017-2022). This situation encourages to fail to meet the demand for water to a population in constant disorderly growth. Added to this, the presence of rainy conditions that present overflows due to silting generates negative effects on society. This work proposes sustainable urban drainage systems as rainwater management techniques to support urban development, controlling runoff in the urban environment, seeking to reduce the amount of water in the final discharge and its use as a water supply for green roofs. Proposing solutions for integrated water cycle management and use of rainwater harvesting systems. To carry out this work, theoretical and experimental information was compiled, making use of contemporary studies and manuals on the application of these systems around the world, which allowed proposing an integral hydroponic design, with the enrichment of rainwater with nutrients, provided through a process of columns filled with residual stone materials. The proposed system was evaluated, and the results showed an optimal integral development, with accelerated growth in the hydroponic plants evaluated due to the nutrients incorporated into the rainwater through the design proposal.


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How to Cite
Castañeda-Robles, I. E., Martínez-Núñez, A. M., & Rómulo-Hernández, M. V. (2023). Anti-desertification: sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS) as integral management in the regulation and control of rainwater. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(Especial3), 167-173.

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