Horn design for ultrasonic welding applications

Keywords: Ultrasonic welding, Ultrasonic Horn, Axial vibration, Modal analysis, Fine elements method


Ultrasonic welding is used on automotive manufacturing process, this process has different advantages, is an efficient process, it has low energy consume, the tools have a long term of live and high period of maintenance time. Ultrasonic welding process is characterized in that the contact surfaces are vibrated with ultrasonic frequencies simultaneously by applying external pressure in order to increase friction. Using the literature relationships and integrated CAD-CAE applications, this paper presents the design and verification of ultrasonic welding horn used for welding of two plastic components that also integrate a vacuum location system.


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How to Cite
Candelas-Romero, F. J., Coutiño-Moreno, E., De la Mora-Ramírez, T., Mier-Quiroga, L. A., & Maldonado-Onofre, D. (2024). Horn design for ultrasonic welding applications. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 12(Especial), 123-132. https://doi.org/10.29057/icbi.v12iEspecial.12152