Design and development of compact bipolar pulsed electrochemical micro-machining station

Keywords: Micro machining, Computer System, control, electrochemical machining


Flexible or advanced manufacturing and specifically the bipolar pulsed electrochemical machining process offers the advantage of being able to machine any conductive metallic material being indifferent to its hardness or composition, however, controlling this process has become a challenge due to the lack of techniques of control or specialized machinery to incorporate this process on a micrometric scale, this article shows the design, development and testing of a compact bipolar pulsed electrochemical micro machining station that allows entering micro machining incorporating electrochemical machining As well as its various variants, the materials used for its manufacture have the necessary characteristics to resist corrosion and wear caused by the electrolytes used, the secondary systems incorporated such as the decantation filtration system and the pneumatic air injection system. They allow to prolong the useful life of the process itself, added to the minimum resolution of 10μm provided by the mechanical system, making this technological innovation a unique piece of its kind.


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How to Cite
Catarino-Aguilar, O., Granda-Gutiérrez, E. E., & Pérez Martínez , J. A. (2024). Design and development of compact bipolar pulsed electrochemical micro-machining station. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 12(Especial), 34-41.

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