Lightweight reed cover, natural components and waste materials.

  • Rogelio Neria-Hernández Instituto Tecnológico Superior del Occidente del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Indira Paola Cardoso Pérez Instituto Tecnológico Superior del Occidente del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Jorge Luis Rodríguez Ruiz Instituto Tecnológico Superior del Occidente del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: lightweight, sustainable, self-building, low cost, bioclimatic cover


The prototype of a flat roof for the Mixquiahuala de Juárez region is presented, which aimed to be a light, self-constructive and important load carrying alternative. Due to its economic limitation, it was determined to use vernacular techniques that used in its preparation, components taken directly from nature and waste materials, which resulted in the idea of ​​a roof that, while being an alternative of low energy consumption, would offer the possibility of being bioclimatic. In this tenor, and using the wooden reed and polines as structural components, a uniformly distributed load transfer scheme of a surface type to a linear type was conceptualized that allowed loads to be transferred to the structure of the walls. Similarly, based on an experimental analysis based on the empirical experience, the design of the mortar was developed using local land and manure as a cement, grass as aggregate and an internal structure as a reinforcing mesh based on rooms reed cane. The result was a light and uniform structure capable of withstanding the point load on a surface of 40x40 cm. of more than three hundred and fifty kilograms with a minor deformation. Although the test carried out is empirical and only based on its compression load capacity, we consider that the proposal developed as a roof covering fulfills its task satisfactorily.


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How to Cite
Neria-Hernández, R., Cardoso Pérez, I. P., & Rodríguez Ruiz, J. L. (2019). Lightweight reed cover, natural components and waste materials . Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 7(Especial-2), 58-66.