Methodology based on physical and computational tools to optimize concrete bricks elaborated with post industrial wastes

Keywords: Reuse, Post industrial waste, Bricks, Neural network, Evolutionary algorithm


The aim of this work is the proposal of a methodology to reuse a post industrial waste named Noryl, as a substitute of stone aggregates in making concrete bricks with better physical characteristics than common pieces. Polyphenylene oxide (Noryl) has not any specific use, nowadays, this kind of waste is accumulated increasing levels of pollution. The first stage in methodology is generating experimental prototypes subjected to physical, volumetric mass and water absorption tests. The results are used in a neural network to model their behavior. Subsequently a PSO (particle swarm optimization) algorithm is applied to identify the optimus measure of Noryl in elaboration of concrete bricks. The proposed prototypes were subjected to the same tests as experimental prototypes, and they showed better compressive strength, lower percentage of water absorption and less volumetric mass than ordinary bricks.


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How to Cite
Volpi-León, V., Ortiz-Quiroga, C. H., Seck-Tuoh-Mora, J. C., & Medina-Marín, J. (2021). Methodology based on physical and computational tools to optimize concrete bricks elaborated with post industrial wastes. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 9(17), 121-128.
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