Application with Cozmo robot for trajectory tracking control as embedded system

Keywords: Cozmo Robot, Trayectory Tracking, Nonlinear Control, Embedded system


This paper presents a novel application with the Cozmo robot for trajectory following control through practical experience as an embedded control system. In this work, the installation and programming for the Cozmo robot is presented, whose embedded system is commercially available for the applications, animations, and pre-established movements. The main contribution of this article is to carry out a control system for trajectory tracking using Matlab/Simulink, Python, Visual Studio and Kinect v2 as a feedback sensor using a nonlinear control strategy. The solution proposal allows validating and verifying that various types of experimental results can be developed through the Cozmo robot, which greatly favor the application of real-time feedback control techniques.


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How to Cite
Ojeda-Misses, M. A. (2022). Application with Cozmo robot for trajectory tracking control as embedded system. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 10(Especial6), 24-32.