Automatic detection of fake news using traditional textual representations and solutions based on deep learning

Keywords: fake news, text classification, machine learning, natural language processing, deep learning


Fake news is created with the aim of manipulating, harming or misinforming. In recent years, this type of news has impacted negatively on different sectors of society, such as politics, health, and social movements. Its severity increases due to its wide and fast propagation, which far exceeds the speed at which a human can control or contain this phenomenon. The search for solutions to combat the spread of false information has motivated the development of computational methods for automatic detection. Commonly, such approaches are designed from a natural language processing perspective. In particular, this paper studies the impact of using various representations of news content features to detect fake news in Spanish with machine learning techniques, including deep architectures.


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How to Cite
Espejel-Rivera, M. A., Calderón-Suárez, R., Ortega-Mendoza, R. M., Camacho-Bello, C. J., & Máquez-Vera, M. A. (2022). Automatic detection of fake news using traditional textual representations and solutions based on deep learning. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 10(Especial3), 120-127.