Robust networ ccontrol of an arm manipulator to time delays

Keywords: Network Control Systems, Time-delays, Robust control


Feedback control systems with network as information channels between sensors and between controllers and actuators, are called Network Control Systems (NCS). Network in the loop makes the analysis and design of a proper controller quite different from the traditional ones. Controllers for MIMO plants with wireless communication channels have different type of problems as to compete for the network resources, losses of data packages and presence of communication delays. This work deals with the problem of delays present in the feedback system. Various methodologies have been proposed to deal with the problem of network induced delays which depends on the nature of the delay as: constant, continuous discrete and random delays, and in MIMO systems independent channel delays This paper deals with design of a robust H∞ controller for a MIMO system with time delays limited to an interval, such as obtain a close loop system satisfy robust stability and robust performance specifications in ample ranges of time delays. The method is applied to a three degree of freedom arm manipulator.


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How to Cite
González-Hernández, L. A., Francois, B., & Moreno-Valenzuela, E. J. (2022). Robust networ ccontrol of an arm manipulator to time delays. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 10(Especial4), 168-172.