Autonomous mobile robot with recognition and navigation towards plastic bottles

Keywords: Environment, Autonomous mobile robot, Artificial vision, Convolutional neural network, Fuzzy logic


In this work, we propose the design and construction of an autonomous robot prototype for the recognition of plastic bottles, applying a semantic segmentation strategy, through convolutional neural networks. Also, we propose the design of a navigation system based on fuzzy logic, to ensure that the robot approaches the identified bottles. The experiments were carried out in a controlled environment, reaching 96.6% accuracy in the recognition tests, while in the navigation tests, the robot reached the position of the identified bottles in all cases.


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How to Cite
Vázquez-Lucero, D., Luna-Taylor, J. E., Santillán-Méndez, I. M., & Higuera-Verdugo, C. (2022). Autonomous mobile robot with recognition and navigation towards plastic bottles. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 10(Especial4), 100-109.