Solving drone tasks in simulators

Keywords: Autonomous Drones, Computer vision, Drone simulators, ROS


In this paper we present solutions to some of the tests included in drone competitions, in particular we consider the tests held in the Mexican Robotics Tournament of the Mexican Federation of Robotics in the virtual drone category. In this context, this work shows the development of some academic applications that have been included in these competitions at national level. Thus, the tests included in this work are: flight over specific points along a path, 3D reconstruction of objects in the environment, flight between windows and formation flying. To solve these tests, computer vision, simultaneous localisation and mapping, traditional control, 3D reconstruction, route planning and machine learning techniques must be used. All of them have been working virtually in different simulators such as Gazebo and AirSim under ROS.


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How to Cite
Cureño-Ramirez, A., Juárez-Terrazas, A., Arellano-Aguilar, R. S., & Ibarra-Zannatha, J. M. (2022). Solving drone tasks in simulators. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 10(Especial4), 92-99.