Contexto sobre las matemáticas en la educación y la incorporación de las TIC
Understanding Mathematics in Mexico
For Ramos (2014), Mexico has been the subject and participant of diverse evaluations in areas of knowledge of reading comprehension and mathematical ability, which has meant that teaching strategies are reoriented at all basic levels of education.
Thus the results of the ENLACE test applied in Mexico only by the Ministry of Public Education and the PISA test applied internationally show unfavorable results in the 2 skills mentioned previously, this shows that the strategies and educational models adopted in the country must be rethought , giving rise to various questions about whether the educational processes carried out in the classroom are the most effective for the student to acquire the knowledge and skills required and that must meet according to the aforementioned evaluation standards.
With this the teaching-learning process of Mathematics should no longer be conceived as a complex and uncertain element since they are the foundation of all scientific discipline.
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