Reading strategies to improve reading comprehension

Keywords: Reading, text, communication, learning, knowledge, imagination, creativity, critical thinking, cognitive


Reading is a mental process where, through the sense of sight and contact with a text, it is translated into symbols and ideas. It is considered a habit of communication, which allows developing cognitive thoughts and at the same time building new knowledge.


Reading plays a determining role in the learning process, regardless of the discipline of knowledge, reading stimulates imagination and creativity, which is why it is important to identify strategies that allow the student to have efficient reading comprehension. Through the reading process, critical thinking is promoted and the student develops cognitive abilities, which allow them to be successful in the areas in which they operate, such as personal, academic and, in the future, work.



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How to Cite
Contreras-Basurto, A., Valenzuela-Ramírez, S. G., & Rivera-Landeros, E. A. (2024). Reading strategies to improve reading comprehension. Ingenio Y Conciencia Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Ciudad Sahagún, 11(21), 112-115.