Review of the Financial Education literature in SMEs

Keywords: Financial education, financial literacy, SMEs, savings


The objective of this work is to carry out a review of the literature through a bibliometric analysis of the studies carried out on financial education and its relationship with SMEs. In order to develop this study, an information query was carried out in the Scopus database, using the keywords personal finance, financial knowledge, retirement planning, home finance, literature, investment, financial education. , financial inclusion, financial capacity, arithmetic, gender, financial behavior, financial literacy, education, financial services, financial well-being, built for this research, 621 articles obtained from magazines, books were found, the study period corresponds to 2011 to 2020, Developed countries lead these studies, since they are the ones who have promoted the most on this subject.


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How to Cite
Sauza, B., Pérez-Castañeda, S. S., Cruz-Ramírez, D., Lechuga-Canto, C. B., González-Hernández, I. J., & Hernández-Bonilla, B. E. (2022). Review of the Financial Education literature in SMEs. Ingenio Y Conciencia Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Ciudad Sahagún, 9(18), 30-35.

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