5's in a textile company as the basis of lean manufacturing

Keywords: order, cleanliness, discipline


The textile industry is a benchmark for the country's economy, contributing 3.2% of Mexico's manufacturing GDP, which translates into jobs and economic growth for the different states. The State of Mexico is the benchmark for this industry, which is why companies tend to apply different improvement tools that allow them to continue their growth and meet the needs and expectations of their customers. Lean manufacturing is par excellence a methodology that houses different improvement techniques, the 5's being one of its main pillars, since it brings multiple benefits such as use of space, increased production, and decreased search times. In this work, the 5's methodology was implemented in a pilot area of ​​a textile company, obtaining as main results, selection of materials, order and distribution of the necessary components and general cleaning, the main benefits achieved with the implementation of the 5's in the finishing area, were a better use of the available space, since thirty seven articles that did not correspond to the area were relocated, a better use of the available space, which allowed a greater flow of movements and a decrease in search times of materials.


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How to Cite
Zarza-Díaz, R., Martínez-Martínez, T. I., & Cruz-Santiago, L. (2023). 5’s in a textile company as the basis of lean manufacturing. Ingenio Y Conciencia Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Ciudad Sahagún, 10(19), 29-36. https://doi.org/10.29057/escs.v10i19.9605