Digestive disorders associated with depression

Keywords: Second brain, Depression, system


 It is fascinating to know that the intestines are referred to as the second brain and everything behind this concept. The reason it is called this way is due to the presence of neurons in a significant part of the digestive tract, which is part of the central nervous system but not dependent on it. The nervous system is classified into central, peripheral, and autonomic, with the autonomic nervous system further divided into sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric, which is the so-called second brain that we will discuss.

The whole organism is designed to connect one part to another and thus maintain homeostasis with the participation of all its components. The aim of this work is to visualize and analyze the relationship between depression and stomach problems. It has been shown that there is another factor in their onset. It has been identified that the aforementioned problems, on multiple occasions, are caused by neurogastrointestinal problems, which can lead to emotions directly affecting the intestines or, at times, vice versa.


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How to Cite
Chibras Angeles, J. A., & Legorreta Nuñez, J. K. (2024). Digestive disorders associated with depression . TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 11(21), 22-25. https://doi.org/10.29057/estr.v11i21.11608
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