Solar Cells

Keywords: Photovoltaic cell, photovoltaic module, Photovoltaic system, Inverter, Battery


Photovoltaic solar energy uses solar cells to convert sunlight into electricity. Solar cells form systems that can be isolated or connected to the grid. These systems have components such as the inverter, batteries, regulator, and structure. The design of a system requires preliminary study, permits, a budget, and analysis. Installation, maintenance, and monitoring are important. Photovoltaic solar energy is highly beneficial due to its renewable, non-polluting, and decentralized nature, which increases energy independence. However, it presents challenges such as its intermittency and variability, which require storage solutions like batteries. Additionally, initial costs can be high, although it is cost-effective in the long term. Despite its challenges, solar cells are essential for harnessing this sustainable resource and reducing the environmental impact of electricity generation. We publish the solar cells infographic as it is crucial to disseminate key information about renewable energy in a visual and accessible way. We believe it will help raise awareness of their importance in the fight against climate change and promote their adoption.


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Ecoserveis (2019). Conceptos básicos de energía solar fotovoltaica. UOC X - Xtended Studies, SLU. 278868.html

Martín Encuentra, M. (2020). Diseño de una planta de generación solar fotovoltaica (Trabajo de Fin de Grado). Escuela Técnica Superior De Ingeniería Industrial de Barcelona.

Fernández Berlanga, A. (2021). Diseño de una instalación fotovoltaica aislada para una vivienda (Trabajo de Fin de Grado). Escola Tècnica Superior d’Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona.

Alberto, E. (2023). Celdas solares PDF.

How to Cite
Santana-Mendoza, N. C., Villeda-Cruz, J. E., de Jesús-Domínguez, D. A., & Cortes-Ortiz, A. S. (2024). Solar Cells. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 11(21), 44-46.
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