Taxation of payment of taxes in Mexico

Keywords: Contribution, state, obligation, pay, publics


Tax payments are a mandatory financial or in-kind contribution through which we collaborate to strengthen the country's economy. Taxes, in all economic systems of countries, serve to provide resources to the government so that it can achieve the goals set out in its planning. (Tax Concepts - Guidance Consultations - Portal of Procedures and Services - SAT (n.d.). First and foremost, the authority to create and establish them as law lies with the State, and it is in the Mexican Constitution of the United Mexican States where the obligation of every citizen to contribute to the support of the public expenses of the Federation, State, and Municipality in which they reside is decreed. Some of the basic and collective needs covered by these tax revenues include justice, security, health, and education, which are fundamental to the well-being of each individual and family, also recognized as rights mentioned in that document. Finally, these payments are made in a proportionate and equitable manner as determined by the law, and each citizen must be capable of exercising their legal rights and obligations, as we know, the ability of a person to exercise both their rights and obligations.


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Servicio de Administración Tributaria SAT. (s.f.). Conceptos tributarios.

Poder legislativo (2010) Constitución Política de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos.

Ángeles A. (2013, abril 24). ¿Cuáles son los principales impuestos en México? Tecnológico de Monterrey.

How to Cite
Aldana-Ordoñez, M., Gallegos-González, L. M., & Zavala-Ferrara, M. (2024). Taxation of payment of taxes in Mexico. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 11(21), 58-61.
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