Digital Audio (Features)

  • María del Pilar Gómez Ortiz Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Eduardo Vázquez Dompinguez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: audio, compression, de-coding, formats


Nowadays the production, development and exchange of audios is something very daily, that is because they have created a number of formats or containers, some of which not only group audio data, but audio and video, on the other hand, not all audios can be heard using the same player.

Considering this constant use of audio formats, we present a mental map through which we highlight the properties of the code (algorithm that encodes and decodes data), associated with the different formats, among the features that will be highlighted are the formats that are taxed without data compression, those that perform a compression without loss of data and those that perform a compression with loss of data, characteristics that are important to know since depending on knowing the peculiarities of each format, we can determine which is the most convenient according to the characteristics that we want from our audios


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Ministerio de Educación, Política Social y Deporte (s.f). Diseño de materiales multimedia. Web 2.0, Audio: introducción. Recuperado el 6 febrero De:

Wikiversidad (s/f) Formatos y procesamientos de música y sonido. Recuperado en enero de 2019


Tecnologías para Sistemas Multimedia (2004). Tema 3 Audio, Recuperado en enero 2019


How to Cite
Gómez Ortiz, M. del P., & Vázquez Dompinguez, E. (2019). Digital Audio (Features). TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 6(12), 96-98.
Abstracts, maps or knowledge application diagrams

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