Benefits of medical research applied to levels of prevention

Keywords: Prevention, benefits, medicine, research, prevention, benefits, medicine, research


Research is the basis of all existing science; it is essential to keep concepts and knowledge updated so that they are useful in our daily lives, an example of this is medicine that is modernized in several ways such as with new findings, updating treatments and with the constant studies that are done to try to solve many doubts that still have no answer or to delay any of the processes of the disease as it happens in the application of the levels of preventive and that there has been no better treatment for some diseases than prevention and it is very useful to generate new forms of care to keep the population healthy since this has a direct impact on the quality and life expectancy of people.



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How to Cite
Contreras, M., Español, E., & Alonso Molina , J. M. (2022). Benefits of medical research applied to levels of prevention. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 9(17), 46-48.
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