Security in Authentication Systems: Vulnerability Analysis and Mitigation Strategies

Importance and best practices for securing online authentication

Keywords: Authentication, computer security, systems, users, data, data protection, Single-Factor Authentication, Two-Factor Authentication


Currently the importance of authentication systems as an important process to ensure security and privacy in the digital world and protect the integrity of information on a network. In the text we mention some of the types of authentication systems: Single-Factor Authentication (SFA) and Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) in addition to biometric authentication. It is discussed and as such, provide a secure way to authenticate users. By verifying the identity of the issuer and ensuring the integrity of the information transmitted, digital certificates are a vital tool to ensure online security Authentication systems and digital certificates are critical to protecting sensitive information online. As cyberattacks become more frequent and sophisticated, it is crucial to have reliable and robust authentication systems to ensure the security and privacy of users. Therefore, the use of authentication systems and digital certificates should be a priority for any organization or individual looking to protect themselves against cyber threats.


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How to Cite
Marmolejo Corona, I. V., Serrano Manzano, G. A., Bautista Aguilar, F. A., & Santiago Gonzalez, ya. (2023). Security in Authentication Systems: Vulnerability Analysis and Mitigation Strategies. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 11(22), 39-43.