Recognition of signs from Mexican Sign Language using Machine Learning techniques

Keywords: Mexican Sign Language, Machine Learning, Translation, Artificial Neural Networks


The use of Artificial Intelligence techniques for the recognition of signs of the Mexican Sign Language through can contribute to improve communication between people who speak this language and those who do not know its meaning. In this article, the performance of Machine Learning models in the recognition of signs was evaluated, for this purpose, four different techniques were used to train and later test the recognition in new signs. Firstly, a data set of images of the dactylological alphabet of the Mexican Sign Language was collected, then this data set was used to train sign image recognition models using four different techniques and later the performance of each model was analyzed in new sign pictures.


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How to Cite
Salgado Martínez, G. A., Cuevas Valencia, R. E., Feliciano Morales, A., & Catalán Villegas, A. (2024). Recognition of signs from Mexican Sign Language using Machine Learning techniques. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 12(Especial), 33-39.