The Impact of Google Maps Platforms on the Efficiency of the Tourism Sector

Keywords: Google Maps platforms, Efficiency, Geolocation, Technological innovation, User experience, Smart tourism


This article has a documentary approach, its content has been compiled from a variety of sources: primary, secondary and tertiary. It then analyses in detail the Google Maps technology and the way in which companies have capitalized their services through this platform. It focuses mainly on areas linked to the tourism sector, highlighting its relevance in this field. The information is presented in a structured manner, addressing from the most recent trends in the tourism sector to the exposure of specific cases that have marked a significant impact through the creation of applications and disruptive innovations in various segments that make up the tourism field. To culminate, a conclusion is provided based on the analysis and reflection on the information gathered. By delving into this article, the reader will gain a clearer understanding of the services offered by this platform, the benefits it brings and its impact on the generation of new technologies.


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How to Cite
García Castillo, L. A., Catalán Villegas, A., & Cuevas Valencia, R. E. (2024). The Impact of Google Maps Platforms on the Efficiency of the Tourism Sector. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 12(Especial), 25-32.