Exploring free teaching of web development technologies

Keywords: System, Technology, Evaluation, Education, Information, Web development


Nowadays, web development is one of the most impactful technological sectors in people’s environment due to the diversity of information that can be transmitted through it, identifying this technology as the one to disseminate information related to products, services, developments, among others. However, the advancement of new technologies demands better preparation for those dedicated to web development, enabling them to learn the tools and techniques necessary to solve development in a functional and effective way for both, the client, and the end user. Therefore, this document presents an investigation where, through the evaluation of user profiles (individuals in training), basic knowledge of techniques, tools, and languages will be provided, adapted to their needs.

The results obtained from this evaluation are aimed at creating a web system in which education is delivered through videos and calls to small groups with similar profiles, to generate greater retention, application, and feedback of the knowledge transmitted to students who are interested in learning the web development-related topics.


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How to Cite
Guerrero González, J. I., & Arana Llanes, J. Y. (2024). Exploring free teaching of web development technologies. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 12(Especial), 104-110. https://doi.org/10.29057/xikua.v12iEspecial.12753