Teachers' affective processes with knowledge management and web tools

Keywords: WEB tools, Knowledge management, Affective processes


The educational processes considered as a fundamental axis in education, transformer of knowledge in society; leads to the conjugation of Knowledge Management (KM) as an aspect in the educational field, and in particular, in the work of teachers. The acquisition and application of knowledge are essential processes to improve the quality of teaching and promote development, however, in addition to technological and academic knowledge, teachers must also take into account the affective and emotional aspects of students, so they learn to manage their emotions and share them with others. Therefore, the teacher must be an affective teacher in the classroom, in order to manage and generate knowledge.

The purpose of QA with web tools is to support teachers with the necessary resources to adequately manage knowledge and affectively manage students. The use of technological tools facilitates access to information, collaboration among teachers and the implementation of innovative pedagogical strategies, within modern education in the new times. Theoretical foundations of QA and its relationship with affective processes in the educational context were explored. Concepts such as emotional intelligence, empathy and the affective bond between teachers and students were explored. Once these concepts were understood, strategies were developed to promote a positive learning environment and favor the socioemotional development of students.

Several web tools were presented through the workshops developed with QA in the affective processes. These tools include online communication and collaboration platforms, virtual spaces for sharing educational resources and applications for monitoring and evaluating students' emotional progress. They learned how to use these tools effectively and adapt them to their specific needs.

To conclude, everything was achieved with the theoretical foundation, developed activities, practical examples, implementing the web tools, where students strengthened their teaching practice and promoted a positive and enriching learning environment. Teachers and students were empowered by the workshops as innovative strategies that integrated QA aspects in the development of pedagogical practices with activities supported by web tools.



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How to Cite
Nájar Sánchez, O., Morales Morgado, E. M., & Castillo García, M. R. (2024). Teachers’ affective processes with knowledge management and web tools. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 12(Especial), 117-128. https://doi.org/10.29057/xikua.v12iEspecial.12782