The Design and construction of a mechatronic device for occupational therapy for children

  • Jorge Gudiño Lau University of Colima
  • Milton Gónzalez-Hernández University of Colima
  • Jaime Guedea-Salazar University of Colima
  • Eduardo Hernández-Barón University of Colima
  • Miguel Durán-Fonseca University of Colima
  • Daniel Vélez-Díaz Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo
Keywords: Rehatilitatio, Occupational therapy, Mechatronic system, motor


In this work, a mechatronic system is designed and built to help children with some motor disability of the upper extremity (arm) focused on occupational therapies. This device is channeled to children so it is built in a simple and attractive way so that the infant always has interest in carrying out their therapies, without leaving aside that the team must fulfill the main objective of rehabilitation. A team for occupational therapies is designed due to the lack of mechanisms that help the therapist in the realization of their rehabilitation sessions and at the same time motivate the patient in this case the child to perform the therapy. The design is made in CAD software such as Solidworks and is built with soft and resistant material so as not to damage the infant. In addition, an LED game is added to the device to make it more attractive and interesting to the child. This experimental rehabilitation team was tested in a rehabilitation center for children with motor problems and the response of the infants was successful. To carry out this work, the therapists and the support of the children's moms were always enthusiastically received.


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How to Cite
Lau, J. G., Gónzalez-Hernández, M., Guedea-Salazar, J., Hernández-Barón, E., Durán-Fonseca, M., & Vélez-Díaz, D. (2019). The Design and construction of a mechatronic device for occupational therapy for children. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 7(14), 11-18.