Influence of educational support on the self-care abilities of the elderly in the Integral Gerontological Center of Tlahuelilpan Hgo.

Keywords: Abilities, Self-care, Elderly, Educational Support


Today, life expectancy has increased to the age of 60 and over. During aging, self -care abilities are diminished. However, through educational strategies they can be preserved and maintained, allowing them to have a full and functional life. Objective: To evaluate the influence of educational support on the self-care capabilities of the elderly within the Integral Gerontological Center of Tlahuelilpan Hgo. Material and Methods: Quantitative research, quasi-experimental design with pre- test and post – test. Sample made up of 27 older adults from the Integral Gerontological Center of Tlahuelilpan Hgo. The Self- Care Agency (ASA) Appreciation Scale consisting of 24 items was used, with a response format of four Likert alternatives, where the score ranges from 24 to 96 points, reliability by Alpha de Crombach of 0.70. Results: Of the study population, 74% belong the female gender, 67% have primary education, 63% are married and 74 % are dedicated to the home.

Regarding self-care abilities, it was found that 93% of older adults have good self – care abilities; after the intervention, 89% increased to very good capacities, and 11% to good capacities.


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How to Cite
Trejo-García, C. A., & Maldonado-Muñiz, G. (2020). Influence of educational support on the self-care abilities of the elderly in the Integral Gerontological Center of Tlahuelilpan Hgo. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 8(16), 12-15.