“How to negotiate successfully: the advanced method to build fair deals for all”

Keywords: negotiation, agreement, value added


How to negotiate successfully: the advanced method of building fair deals for all" is a book that proposes a new way of negotiating in innovative, creative and ethical ways. Through an easy and simple process, the Albrecht brothers radically change the old conception of generating agreements, with a proposal that satisfies the interests that are sought in a negotiation through the search for value and that can also be applied to various aspects of the everyday life, not only in the business world. The authors guide the reader to lose their fear of negotiating.


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Albrecht, K. y Albrecht, S. (2014). Cómo negociar con éxito, el método de avanzada para construir tratos justos para todos. Argentina: Granica.

How to Cite
Lorenzo Cordero, J. L. (2021). “How to negotiate successfully: the advanced method to build fair deals for all”. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 9(17), 30-32. https://doi.org/10.29057/xikua.v9i17.5944