La salud y el fenómeno migratorio México-Estados Unidos de América en el contexto de la globalización

Keywords: Migration, Mexico, health, globalization


Globalization has opened us to stronger economic, political, and technological exchanges through the disappearance of traveling hardships, along with this phenomenon and due to territorial proximity, migrant population from Mexico to the United States of America has vastly increase. Accompanying this demographic phenomenon, a context of disparities has only worsened, in particular the problematic regarding the health of the Mexican migrant.


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How to Cite
Garza Martinez, M. J., & Godínez Pérez, B. M. (2023). La salud y el fenómeno migratorio México-Estados Unidos de América en el contexto de la globalización. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 11(21), 32-34.