Now showing items 21-40 of 401

    • Evaluación finaciera 

      Unknown author (2011)
      Sintetiza numéricamente todos los aspectos desarrollados en el plan de negocios. Se debe elaborar una lista de todos los ingresos y egresos de fondos que se espera que produzca el proyecto y ordenarlos en forma cronológica. ...
    • Estudio Administrativo 

      Unknown author (2011)
      La organización como parte del proceso administrativo; Es la función que permite definir una estructura formal e intencional que hace posible que los miembros de una empresa, sepan que y como va a realizar sus tareas, cuál ...
    • Proyectos de Inversión 

      Unknown author (2011)
      It is a proposal for action, marketers, technical and economic need to solve using available resources, which can be human, material, technological, and economic information. This consists of a series of studies to see if ...
    • Estudio de Mercado 

      Unknown author (2011)
      El concepto de mercado se refiere a dos ideas relativas a las transacciones comerciales. Por una parte se trata de un lugar físico especializado en las actividades de vender y comprar productos y en algunos casos servicios. ...
    • Estudio Técnico 

      Unknown author (2011)
      Cuando la empresa o persona a decidido generar o fabricar parte de los productos o servicios que el mercado demanda para satisfacer sus necesidades, en ese momento se deben determinar los requerimientos de maquinaria, ...
    • La Constitución 

      Hernández González, Esmeralda; Mendoza Fernández, Hector (2011-06)
      The constitution establishes the function will the guiding principles polat, economical and social.
    • Administración Estratégica 

      Ayala Hernández, Silvia (2011-07)
      At the end of the semester the student will be able to identify, apply and develop the essential elements in the strategic planning through a project.
    • Diagrama del Costo de Producción 

      Cruz Gómez, Omar (2011-07)
      Analyze the three elements of cost for the preparation of an article. As the calculations to obtain the unit cost
    • Proyectos de inversión 

      Reyes Cruz, Juan Luis (2011-07)
      Through the following slide show is looking to introduce in the field of investment projects to be able to distinguish between different types available, identifying the stages that contains a project, and the elements ...
    • Servicios empresariales y consultoría 

      Reyes Vázquez, Sonia Guadalupe (2011-07)
      In this course the student will acquire basic knowledge of consulting, differing forms of diagnosis and being able to plan and implement its image as a consultant. Also, have the ability to develop various forms of ...
    • Aprendizaje organizacional 

      González Hernández, Alicia (2011-07)
      In recent years, organizations have realized the need to promote organizational learning and make smart business organizations in which information becomes knowledge and this can be shared among all employees. The ...
    • Clima organizacional 

      Reyes Cruz, Juan Luis (2011-07)
      The organizational climate of a company covers a variety of subjects, and within these are organizational climate characteristics, functions, people and organizations, the results of an organizational climate, culture ...
    • Outsourcing 

      Flores Ramírez, Guillermina (2011-07)
      Today we have the administrative trends and one of them is the tool of outsourcing, this helps us in the organization to reduce costs in our processes as well as labor and other functions.
    • Evento de capacitación 

      Rodríguez Vite, Higor (2011-07)
      This unit is implementing a training event. When the course is well planned and well organized preparation, implementation will not have setbacks. Organisers must ensure that participants easily and safely reach the ...
    • Cambio Organizacional 

      Flores Ramírez, Guillermina (2011-07)
      This topic discusses the factors involved in an organization when it wants to make a change for the benefit of it and how to deal with them, likewise the forces that mix such as internal and external.
    • Análisis de puestos 

      García Calva, Ana Lilia (2011-07)
      In this material are the main elements that make a job analysis.
    • Formas de negociación 

      Barba Mogica, Juan Jesús (2011-07)
      El presente programa trata sobre las diversas formas de encarar personal y organizacionalmente cualquier tipos de negociación.
    • Derecho Administrativo 

      Argüelles Gutiérrez, Marco Antonio (2011-07)
      Formally, the administrative law is the set of rules of public law govening the executive branch, public administration and activity.
    • Micro y pequeña empresa 

      Reyes Cruz, Juan Luis (2011-07)
      Theoretic and conceptual references and network development of Pymes in the local-regional-global context. Conditions of economic competition faced by small- and medium-size businesses in developing countries suggest ...
    • Presupuestos 

      Sánchez Lara, Mirna (2011-07)
      The work presented is for the first unit of program budgets, generally called the administration, held to raise productivity and competitiveness in a company.