Program in Self-efficacy, Positive affect and Self-attribution to promote Healthy Eating Behaviors in Secondary Students

Keywords: Universal Prevention, Healthy Eating Behaviors, Self-efficacy, Positive Affect, Self-Attribution


The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a program based on universal prevention to modify levels of self-efficacy, positive affect and self-attribution in first and second year secondary school students of a public secondary school in the municipality of Mineral de la Reforma, Hidalgo. The study was quasi-experimental with four groups: two experimental groups and two waiting groups; with pre and post evaluation, participants were randomly assigned according to the grade and group to which they belonged to the experimental groups; and the same to the waiting groups. The total sample was N = 129 adolescents, of which n = 63 belonged to the experimental groups and n = 66 to the waiting groups; n = 68 (53%) are women and n = 61 (47%) men, in an age range of 12 to 15 years (µ = 13 years, SD = .79). A battery of instruments was applied consisting of: Inventory of Self-efficacy for weight control, Scale of Positive and Negative Affection (PANAS) and Self-attribution Inventory for secondary school adolescents. The intervention consisted of 3 sessions of 50 minutes each, which addressed aspects associated with factors promoting Healthy Eating Behaviors. For the statistical analysis, Student's t was used for related samples, the results indicated statistically significant differences in the level of negative self-attribution in the first year experimental group before and after the intervention, t (32) = 2.21, p < 0.03 , significantly reducing negative self-attribution (µ = 2.15) after the intervention (µ = 1.98)


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How to Cite
Gaspar-Pérez, A., Guzmán-Saldaña, R. M., Bosques-Brugada, L. E., Platas-Acevedo, S., Vázquez-Arévalo, R., & Guadarrama-Guadarrama, R. (2019). Program in Self-efficacy, Positive affect and Self-attribution to promote Healthy Eating Behaviors in Secondary Students. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 8(15), 24-30.