Biopsychosocial model: From theory to clinical

Keywords: Biopsychosocial model, Health-disease process, Engel´s model


The Biopsychosocial model was proposed by George L. Engel in 1977 as a criticism of the predominant medical model at the time, which limited the understanding of physical and psychological conditions and disorders associated to the presence of organic factors, such as injuries and abnormalities. Engel's model has had a great boom in the understanding of the health-disease process of individuals, and more recently in the clinical application, setting guidelines for the care provided by different health professionals (doctors, psychologists, dentists, nurses, etc.). In addition, Engel´s model has laid the fundaments for the development of factors involved in government policies on health. The realization of this mental map responds to the need to create support material for the understanding of the Biopsychosocial model. It is important to mention that this mind map is an introductory material to this model, which seeks to make known their main characteristic, clinical application, and some of the criticisms it makes to the classic medical model of health-disease.


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Borrell i Carrió, F. (2002). El Modelo Biopsicosocial en Evolución. Medicina Clínica, 119(5), 175-179.

Tizón García, J. (2007). A propósito del modelo biopsicosocial, 28 años después: epistemología, política, emociones y contratransferencia. Atención Primaria, 39(2), 93-97.

How to Cite
Arrieta Villarreal, J. L., & Guzmán-Saldaña , R. (2021). Biopsychosocial model: From theory to clinical. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 10(19), 101-102.

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