Urinary Tract Infections in Mexican pregnant women: A systematic review

Keywords: Urinary tract infection, pregnancy, gestational complications, bacteriuria, prevalence


Urinary tract infection is more common pregnant women than non-pregnant women. Urinary infection in pregnant women can cause significant problems during the development of the pregnancy. Therefore, the main of the present study was to determine the prevalence of urinary tract infections during pregnancy in Mexican women. Methods. A detailed search was carried out from studies that reported pregnant women, diagnosed with urinary tract infection, from any part of the Mexican Republic in the following databases: Scopus, PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, Cochrane Library and Google Scholar, with keywords in English and Spanish. The most relevant data were included in the statistical analysis. Results. Thirteen reports with 7,421 women were analyzed. A prevalence of urinary tract infection of 8.8% was determined after the analysis. Asymptomatic bacteriuria was found in 28.5% of women and 71.5% were symptomatic. The most frequent etiological agents found were Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella species and Staphylococcus epidermidis. Ampicillin and nitrofurans were the main drugs used. Preterm birth and threatened abortion were the main risk factors found in pregnant women. Conclusions. The prevalence of urinary tract infection in Mexican pregnant women were lower than in other studies and it is highly associated with several complications during pregnancy. Gram-negative bacterias, such as E. coli, were the main pathogen found in the patients.


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How to Cite
Ortiz, M. I., Corona Olivera, C.-O., Cariño Cortés, R., & Fernández Martínez, E. (2022). Urinary Tract Infections in Mexican pregnant women: A systematic review. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 10(20), 266-274. https://doi.org/10.29057/icsa.v10i20.8560

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