Effect of non-pharmacological treatment in older adults with sarcopenia

Keywords: Sarcopenia, protein, amino acids, elderly


Sarcopenia is considered a geriatric syndrome caused by multiple factors, such as poor protein intake and physical inactivity. This condition represents a decrease in quality of life, so it is important to prevent and avoid its progression. And as part of the non-pharmacological treatment, it has been proposed to increase the intake of protein and amino acids, along with exercise. Therefore, the objective of this review was to collect information on the effect of changes in diet, use of supplements and exercise as part of the non-pharmacological treatment of sarcopenia to identify which has the best effect in older adults. For the preparation of this work, a search was carried out in electronic databases and articles in English and Spanish were considered from 2011 to 2021, using keywords such as sarcopenia, protein, essential amino acids, leucine, supplements, muscle mass and exercise. The information collected shows that the increase in the intake of quality protein or the use of supplements of whey proteins, essential amino acids (main leucine) and vitamins (especially vitamin D), have a positive effect on muscle growth, increasing the strength and physical performance of older adults, these effects were more noticeable in those studies in which a constant exercise routine was integrated. However, the characteristics of nutritional treatment and exercise recommendations that can be applied to the Mexican population have yet to be established.


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How to Cite
Escamilla Rosales, M. F., Ariza Ortega, J. A., Cruz Cansino, N. del S., & Ramírez Moreno, E. (2022). Effect of non-pharmacological treatment in older adults with sarcopenia. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 10(20), 188-196. https://doi.org/10.29057/icsa.v10i20.8703