The Nursing & the Humanized Care Professional

Keywords: Humanized Care, nursing, dehumanization


The beneficiaries of the different health institutions demand as part of their remuneration to receive care by health professionals in such a way that their dignity is respected at all times and this makes them feel valued and respected in all its dimensions; institutions have only devoted themselves to delimiting attention by focusing on the technical or procedural part rather than providing a care focused on the person and his integrity, minimizing in that way the management of care leading to the dehumanization of this, a situation present not only in the professional practice but also in the training of future professionals. Derived from this situation the World Health Organization (WHO) promote a training policy for health professionals with the aim of protecting the rights of users based on humanized treatment.


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How to Cite
Reyes Torres, S. B., Mayorga Ponce, R. B., Sánchez Padilla, M. L., & Roldan Carpio, A. (2022). The Nursing & the Humanized Care Professional. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 10(20), 83-85.

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