Theoretical models that can be applied to address therapeutic adherence.

Keywords: Theoretical models, therapeutic adherence, change in behavior


Therapeutic adherence is defined by the WHO as "the degree to which patients' behavior, in relation to taking medication, following a diet or making lifestyle changes, corresponds to the recommendations agreed with the healthcare professional." Good adherence implies control of the disease, greater effectiveness of the treatment and an improvement in the patient's quality of life, while lack of adherence can lead to serious complications of the disease, ineffectiveness of the treatment and an increase in healthcare costs. Non-adherence to pharmacological treatment is a prevalent and relevant problem in clinical practice and needs to be addressed by interventions that are supported by using theoretical models of behavior change that focus on understanding and improving people's ability to follow medical indications. The aim of this review is to mention some theoretical models of behavioral change that can be used by health professionals as scientific support for the design of interventions to address nonadherence considering cognitive, motivational and environmental aspects.



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How to Cite
Jiménez Melo, A. (2024). Theoretical models that can be applied to address therapeutic adherence. Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA, 13(25). Retrieved from