For the maternal and child health. Book for Mexican Mother and Health Policy in Mexico in the 1930’s

  • Mercedes Alanís Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Palabras clave: Health, Hygiene, Mothers, Physicians, children


The present manuscript addresses one of the most representative examples of forms of the early twentieth century in Mexico, which provides mothers with advice for the proper care of their children. This issue gained relevance since the nineteenth century and was spearheaded by physicians who instructed women in order to reduce the high rates of infant mortality and thereby contribute to the strengthening of the population. This action became relevant in the context of the strengthening of the guidelines of the Department of Public Health.


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1. Martínez Báez, Manuel, et al., Libro para la Madre Mexicana, suggested by Aída S. from Rodríguez. Manuel Martínez Báez, Francisco de P. Miranda, Mario Torroella and Manuel Cárdenas de la Vega, México, 1934.

2. Aguirre, Agustín. Profilaxis de las enfermedades transmisibles de los niños en la edad escolar. Boletín del Departamento de Salubridad Pública, segunda época, t. i, numbers 7-12, 1921, pp. 203-212, pp. 210.

3. Boletín del Departamento de Salubridad Pública, Publicación trimestral, México, D. F., Tomo III, 1927, Editorial Cultura, pp. 273.

4. Fuentes, ML. La asistencia social en México. Historia y perspectivas, México, ediciones del Milenio, 1998, pp. 38.

5. Rodríguez de Romo AC, Castañeda López G, Robles Valencia R. Protagonistas de la Medicina Científica Mexicana, 1800-2006, México, unam / Facultad de Medicina, Plaza y Valdés Editores, 2008.
Cómo citar
Alanís, M. (2016). For the maternal and child health. Book for Mexican Mother and Health Policy in Mexico in the 1930’s. Mexican Journal of Medical Research ICSA, 4(7).