How virtual reality has been implemented in Latin American e-commerce in the last ten years

  • Silvana Ter-Veen Montagnaro Unicersidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: virtual reality, customer experience, e-commerce


New technologies are changing the way companies approach advertising. One such technology is virtual reality. This allows for unique advertising models that engage users and inspire innovative ideas. This article examines the current state of virtual reality in Mexican society, its integration with technology and its use in advertising.

The purpose of this project is to study the impact of virtual reality on e-commerce in Mexico. The study aimed to provide an overview of advertisers and agencies that have used this technology in their campaigns and will be exploratory in nature. This project uses a qualitative research design focused on explaining the social implications of communicative phenomena.


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How to Cite
Ter-Veen Montagnaro, S. (2024). How virtual reality has been implemented in Latin American e-commerce in the last ten years. CaleidoscoPI, 1(2), 52-57.