Benefits of Mindfulness P ractice and the A ttentional P rocess: a T heoretical R eview of their R elationship

  • Jorge A. Guzmán-Cortés Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Hilda. C. Calvillo Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Jorge Bernal Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Ángel F. Villalva-Sánchez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Mindfulness, meditation, Attention


Meditation, although it has been practiced for more than 2,500 years, has now returned to a visible force that has attracted the attention of researchers from different branches: psychology, medicine and neurosciences have turned to know the usefulness of strategies of meditation in improving the health of people. Mindfulness, a meditation defined as "a form of attention that is non -elaborative, non - judgmental, centered in the present, in which every thought, feeling or sensation that appears in the attentional field is recognized and accepted as itis" (Bishop et al. al., 2004), has been related as a useful strategy for modifying neural functional networks and improving attention. Mindfulness meditation through its three main strategies, focused attention, open monitoring and lovingkindness, has been taken up by psychology applying it within different cognitive interventions. This document describes some of the most recent research on Mindfulness meditation and its relationship with the improvement of Attention, as well as the agreements and discrepancies that exist at present about its possible benefits, which makes the investigation of meditation and brain activity in a cutting -edge  subject in the field of psychology and neurosciences


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How to Cite
Guzmán-Cortés, J. A., C. Calvillo, H., Bernal, J., & Villalva-Sánchez, Ángel F. (2019). Benefits of Mindfulness P ractice and the A ttentional P rocess: a T heoretical R eview of their R elationship. DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 6(11).