Access justice for gender reason

Cases: Átala Riffo y girls vs. Chile and Valentina Rosendo Cantú and Inés Fernández Ortega vs. México

  • Denitza López Escuela Superior de Actopan
  • María Patricia Fernández-Cuevas Escuela Superior de Actopan
Keywords: Gender, Human Rights, Court, Violence, Access to justice


Despite being in the 21st century and the great struggle of feminist groups to recognize the freedom to choose our gender expression, there are still criteria that have overlooked these Human Rights.

There are different types of violence suffered by women, one of them is that of the couple, but what happens when in the exercise of free will one is judged not only by the couple but by the judicial authority, a judicialized violence brought to court, to have to be judged on your sexual preference and orientation and even on your ethnic background.

This essay addresses a paradigm on the recognition of Human Rights in relation to sexual orientation, the exercise of freedom, equality and non-discrimination, as well as access to justice for indigenous women.

The case Atala Riffo and Girls vs. Chile where stereotypes are analyzed, prejudices that invade the personal life of Átala Riffo. Another case addressed in the present work is that of Valentina Rosendo Cantú who was raped by soldiers in a community in Guerrero, as a result of which she was expelled from her community and abandoned by her husband as well as a tortuous path of violation of Human Rights



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Caso González y otras (“Campo Algodonero”) vs. México (CIDH noviembre de 16 de 2009).

Caso Átala Riffo y niñas vs. Chile (Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos 24 de febrero de 2012).

Caso Fernández Ortega y otros vs. México (30 de agosto de 2010).

CIDH. (2012). Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. Obtenido de Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos:

CNDH. (2016). México y el Sistema Interamericano de los Derechos Humanos. 3-6. Obtenido de

Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, resolución 2200 A (XXI) (16 de Diciembre de 1966).

Político, A. (06 de enero de 2014). Capturan a militares por violar a indígenas hace 12 años.

Valentina Rosendo Cantú y otras Vs. México, Folio: 310810 (CIDH 2010). Obtenido de mxbjdhdocdoccasos_sentenciascasorosendocantuotravsmexico_excepcionpreliminarfondoreparacionescostas-htm/

How to Cite
López, D., & Fernández-Cuevas , M. P. (2019). Access justice for gender reason . DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 6(12), 40-46.