Performance in a memory task of visuospatial work in girls aged 8-12 with Child Sexual Abuse.

Keywords: Visospatial working memory, Child sexual abuse, Neuropsychological evaluation


This research compared the performance in a task of visuospatial working memory (VWM) in girls of 8-12 years old with and without child sexual abuse (CSA). The sample was constituded of two groups conformed of a total of 30 institutionalized girls aged 8-12 years old. One group consisted of n = 15 girls with a history of CSA, while the other group was made up of n = 15 girls without CSA experience. VWM was evaluated by applying the CubMemPC computerized test. Results: Based on the analysis carried out using the T-Student test, the working hypothesis was verified for independent samples, stating that there are significant differences between the control group and the experimental group on VWM all executions of the control group being greater in relation to correct responses [t (28) = 3.22, p <0.01], trail and span [t (28) = 2.36, p <0.05], however, in the reaction time there were no differences between the groups [t (28) = 2.36, p <0.05] Which indicates that girls aged 8-12 years old with CSA have a lower performance in an VWM task than girls without a history of CSA.


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How to Cite
Dorantes-de la Garza, S., & García-León , I. A. (2021). Performance in a memory task of visuospatial work in girls aged 8-12 with Child Sexual Abuse. DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 8(16), 1-6.