Effects of Early Stimulation with directed approach in Working Memory in children of 4 years old.

Keywords: Working memory, Early stimulationt


Early stimulation is defined as a set of repetitive, continuous and systematized actions through play that provides the child with the experiences he needs to fully develop his cognitive, linguistic, motor and social potential. Specific places such as the Early Stimulation Centers are intended to help children in a pleasant and fun way the development guidelines according to their age, using as a tool the directed and supervised game. The present work aimed to compare the effects of early stimulation with a targeted approach, in working memory in children of 4 years who were stimulated and in children who were not. The Neuropsychological Battery for Preschool (BANPE) test was used to assess the working memory visuospatial and verbal. The statistical procedure used was t-Student for independent samples finding homogeneity. Results: it was revealed that the experimental group has a higher score than the control group [t(28)=5.80, p<0.001], finding signidicant differences.



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How to Cite
Hernández Luna, A., & Álvarez- Núñez , D. (2021). Effects of Early Stimulation with directed approach in Working Memory in children of 4 years old . DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 8(16), 7-10. https://doi.org/10.29057/esa.v8i16.5419