Influence of apathy in first grade adolescents in public high school on planning and decision making

Keywords: Apathy, executive functions, planning, decision making, adolescence, motivation


The present study analyzed the influence of apathy in planning and decision making in adolescents. With a population of 249 first-grade teenage students in the Public High School, EEVA apathy scale was registered to obtain a sample of 84 participants, three groups of 28 participants each were formed: Control group (GC) with low apathy , two with high apathy experimental group (GE) and experimental group with reward (GER). Subsequently, the planning task will be applied with the Tower of Hanoi test and the decision making with the Card Game. The results show that in the Hanoi test there are differences in the number of movements in the control and experimental groups with reward.



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How to Cite
Osuna Fernández, M. de la P., & Álvarez Núñez, D. (2020). Influence of apathy in first grade adolescents in public high school on planning and decision making. DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 7(14), 29-33.