The effect of bullying on a decision-making task in secondary school adolescents

Keywords: Bullying, Decision making, School violence


The present study was developed to analyze the effect of bullying on a decision-making task in high school students. 53 participants were selected in three independent groups, 20 neutral for the control group, 13 victims and 20 aggressors d. The Bull-S test (Cerezo, 2012) was applied to differentiate neutral groups, aggressors and victims. The test that was used to measure decision making was the card game of the neuropsychological battery of executive functions and frontal lobes (BANFE-2). It was found that the group of victims selected a higher percentage of risk cards in the card game task included in the BANFE-2, a trend was also found in which the higher the number of bullying, the higher the anxiety index as a trait.


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How to Cite
Vences, G. A., & Verdugo-Nava, R. (2021). The effect of bullying on a decision-making task in secondary school adolescents. DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 8(16), 16-19.