Effect of social interaction on emotional facial recognition in the elderly.

Keywords: Older adults, facial emotional recognition, social interaction, cognitive stimulation therapy, play therapy, physical activation, therapeutic intervention.


This research analyzed the effect of interventions to reinforce facial emotional recognition in older adults. The sample consisted of two groups consisting of a total of 10 older adults aged 60 to 95 years of age. One group consisted of n = 5 which received cognitive stimulation, play therapy and physical activation, while the other was made up of n = 5 older adults who only received social interaction. Emotional recognition was assessed by applying the task of recognition of emotional facial expressions of Ekman, P. et al. 2002 of the Affective Evaluation of the Elderly of Alvelais, M. and Samaniego, J. Results: from the analysis carried out by means of the T-student test for independent samples, the null hypothesis was verified, indicating that there are no significant differences between groups [ t = 1.19, p = 0.28]. In relation to the analysis for each emotion, significant differences were obtained in the denomination of the fear emotion [t (8) = 3.39, p <0.01], which indicates that older adults who have cognitive stimulation, ludotherapy and physical activation interventions they have a greater performance in the emotional recognition of fear (negative emotion) in front of older adults who only have social interaction intervention.



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How to Cite
Barajas- Carballo, S. M., & Alvelais- Alarcón, M. (2021). Effect of social interaction on emotional facial recognition in the elderly. DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 8(16), 30-37. https://doi.org/10.29057/esa.v8i16.5433