Become SNI. Gender Issue?

Keywords: higher education, gender, researchers, science, Mexico


The academy and science start from a hegemonic system in which the evaluation and accreditation criteria for women and men apply to the regulations. Therefore, in these spaces of education and areas of knowledge, the indicators remain gender-neutral, they are invisible to women in science. Educational and scientific innovation can not ignore the development of women in academic spaces so it is necessary to look at their development from a non-sexist perspective that favors inclusion in the still "masculinized" spaces. Educational innovation should not only be based on the formation of a "human capital" but on people who are contributing knowledge and who face inequalities in the educational fields. Becoming an investigator has challenges to create new scientific knowledge that take as basic elements the reconciliation of family and work life for many researchers cover double triple working days to be able to investigate and publish under conditions of equity.



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How to Cite
Rivera García, C. (2021). Become SNI. Gender Issue?. DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 8(15), 48-54.