Mexican banking sector, market structure and competitiveness

Keywords: Banking concentration, financial institutions, index competitivity, market structure


The development of financial institutions is a fundamental aspect in the world's economies, the banking system is not an exception. There are some approaches that seek to explain the optimal structure and attainable objectives in an organized and efficient banking system; In the present document, Is analyzed the theoretical and state-of-the-art discussion of the nature of banking institutions is carried out in the context of their financial and economic development objectives; Likewise, the behavior of the Mexican banking system is described based on the main market indicators, reaching the conclusion that it has an oligopolistic structure that has relatively complied with the nature of the financial intermediation process. Opportunity areas are found, for example better regulations, development of new optimal communication systems, as well as clear and flexible credit policies.


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How to Cite
Ortiz Zarco, E. (2022). Mexican banking sector, market structure and competitiveness . DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 10(Especial), 9-15.