Homophobia and mental health: A relationship to discuss from its social determination

Keywords: homosexuality, masculinity, sexual minorities, homophobia


The social rejection of homosexuality has been linked as a cause of the health conditions of homosexual men, especially their mental health. This paper analyzes this relationship with the proposal of theoretical reconstruction of homophobia. We return to the concepts: sex-gender system, hetero scheme, habitus and hegemonic masculinity model. These tools allow us to understand the social determination of the main mental health problems that affect homosexuals: anxiety, depression and suicidal behavior. This analysis proposes a route from the social construction of homophobia to its incorporation in the subject through internalized homophobia and its expression in the management of emotions. The validity and generalization of the concept is discussed in a context of recognition of the diversity of sex-gender identities and the corresponding violence exerted against them, its explanatory scope and its specificity for the case of homosexual men are weighed.


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How to Cite
Granados Cosme, J. A. (2023). Homophobia and mental health: A relationship to discuss from its social determination. DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 10(19), 31-39. https://doi.org/10.29057/esa.v10i19.9750

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